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Los Angeles Lawyers for Wrongful Death Claims

It can be very difficult to cope with the loss of a loved one. If you believe that another person, company, or government entity is responsible for the death of someone you loved, contact a wrongful death lawyer right away.

wrongful death lawsuit is filed by the survivors of someone who dies because of intentional, negligent, or reckless conduct. While most wrongful death lawsuits are filed by family members of someone who dies, others may also be eligible to file wrongful death lawsuits.

When someone dies because of the wrongful acts of another person, company, or government entity, a wrongful death lawsuit can help survivors get answers and gain closure.

The compassionate attorneys at Estey & Bomberger, LLP have years of experience representing families in wrongful death lawsuits. They work hard to pursue justice for people who have lost loved ones.

There is a court deadline known as a statute of limitations that may prevent your wrongful death lawsuit from being heard, regardless of how strong your claims are. This is one reason why it is important to contact a wrongful death lawyer as soon as possible after a loved one passes away.

We only take on cases that we determine, after a careful review, present the client with a legitimate claim to compensation. We have achieved impressive results for our clients, including a number of multi-million dollar verdicts.

Steve Estey discusses wrongful death cases